Google+ Q Dot: Indie Journal Day...I dunno but its a-okay

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Indie Journal Day...I dunno but its a-okay

Back in the saddle of things and getting anxious. I was supposed to send off this new EP like last week but it just wasn't right. Just wasn't ready. The mixes were a little uneven and the last track "Soul Clap Reprise" just didn't feel complete so I turned it into "Soul Clap Revival". It's a little churchy and thick on the layers and harmonies but that's what my soul told me to do! Plus the last time I did something churchy and revival/hymnal feeling I ended up nominated for a certain award...

Anyhow, it feels good to have my creative juices flowing...check out my soundcloud for some new boogie music I just blurted out when I got to the office today. That said, I have a ton of emails I need to send out and even then I feel like i'm behind but let's be real, it's holiday time and aint nobody really doing shit anyway but for me it's like...AHHH! BE DOING SHIT PEOPLE I'M ON A SCHEDULE HERE.

Anyway. My To-Do-List gets longer by the day but we're getting some pieces to the puzzle all put together and it feels pretty good. The "Team" as you would say is coming together at the right time for EVERYBODY's stuff to benefit and even then...there's more to go.

I love this crazy hectic indie DIY life but I feel like the Black Gold EP is gonna make things a lot easier for a lot of us and YOU. =D

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