Google+ Q Dot: Dear Hip Hop Community...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Dear Hip Hop Community...

I got this in an email from a guy who has been my radio promoter. Pretty good message from someone who's broken A LOT of hit records:

"By todays standards, Vanilla Ice - Ice Ice Baby would be protected by the You cant Hate standards that Hip Hop has settled for due to the growing "Well, he getting money" factor and its against the Law to go against the grain. HIP HOP WAS FOUNDED AGAINST THE GRAIN. Electricity was stolen, Trains were vandalized, Cardboard boxes, were ripped apart and people assembled to see dancers put their bodies at risk for us to send out email blasts and spam your inbox. Independent artist please make music from your heart, not to release a budget. Thats what we're facing and everyday we are making Vanilla Ice and Chocolate (see Welcome to Death Row, documentary) GENIUSES for what was once considered, the worst rap record of its time.

Break new music, and let your mix be the determining factor for audience response. On radio and in the clubs, we are hearing more records from the 90s and early 2000s than we are hearing what's new and that the reason why DJ Undercut can get away with taking your bread. In an industry where it better be a good reason why I should shell out an extra dollar, you have to be exclusive. I remember DJ's used to come to the office for exclusives now all the DJ's are the same. Everyone is playing the same record, but going back to whats familiar because thats what keeps the audience on the dance floor. Stop taking requests for obvious records and start bringing in these new records. THe audience should be tweeting how they are at your party, not tweeting about how they at the party...

1 comment:

  1. right on Q...classics become that way because the artists took risks and created something outside the norm. Hip hop hooked me as a youngster in the early 80's because it was different than the Hall and Oats radio playlists of the day.
    the motto should be
    "Step up your game or step off the field"

    like KRS said "Hip is to know..... it's update and relevant. Hop is a form of movement you can't just observe a hop you gotta get up and do it."
